Half-eaten dinners littered the floor of houses sheared in half. Pages from children’s bedtime story books fluttered hauntingly in the wind. On 19 April 2002, amidst the soft lunar landscape of the West…

Half-eaten dinners littered the floor of houses sheared in half. Pages from children’s bedtime story books fluttered hauntingly in the wind. On 19 April 2002, amidst the soft lunar landscape of the West…
Under the mandarin and pink clouds of a fading Moscow summer evening, on a bench amidst the old white oak trees that line the Moskva River’s southern bank, Kiril Kotov prepared himself…
The rich, comforting smell of toasted pistachios fills the air as Congolese women in saffron dresses gossip loudly over pots of salted goat stew. In the next market stall, Ethiopian men serve…
Many years later as he faced the firing squad, Commander Andrés Urrego was to remember that distant afternoon when he and his unit had played football with a severed head. That distant…
The wind howls down a bleak Belgrade avenue, rain thumping against the windscreen of the white Mercedes that carries Aleksandar Stanković gently towards the blurred traffic lights on Bačvanska Street. It is October…
The bridge connects one Parisian reality to another. Beginning in the western suburb of Neuilly-sur-Seine, home to France’s wealthiest community, the concrete structure snakes its way north past drab tower blocks and…
Green, white and orange seats encircle the parched playing field. Chalk lines, dusty and faded, sketch out the centre circle and penalty areas. At either end, goalposts with loosely tightened nets sway…
Ché Guevara stares down at you. Eyes stencilled in charcoal, hair dripping wet paint, his lips part to reveal a speech-bubble. “We come from Bab Jedid, the Kasbah and Sangherine,” the message…