Tag: dalglish

Kenny Dalglish: a reluctant hero of contrasting qualities

Illustration by Federico Manasse Kenny Dalglish is a man of contrasting qualities. He’s a deceptive five foot eight inches, yet immense in stature. He is often adorned with a seemingly prickly demeanour,…

Kenny Dalglish: a king among men

Kenny Dalglish wasn’t the most skilful player, nor was he blessed with blinding pace or immense strength, but scenes of a stealthy and intelligent Scot with straw-like hair and ice-blue eyes cutting defences…

The dethroning of Liverpool and lessons for today

When Alan Hansen lifted Liverpool’s eighth championship in 12 years in 1990 few would have thought it would be a quarter of a century, and counting, before the club would collect its next.…

When Blackburn Rovers ruled the Premier League

Advertising boardings emblazoned in gaudy print with Sega, Gardner Computers and Lucozade laced the edges of the pitch, transistor radios littered the compact, yet unsettled crowd of just over 40,000, and a team in blue…