While the final was hardly a classic, the 2010 World Cup quarters delivered enough drama to live on in the memories of all who witnessed it

While the final was hardly a classic, the 2010 World Cup quarters delivered enough drama to live on in the memories of all who witnessed it
This feature is a part of RETEUROSPECTIVE In sport, it’s hard to pinpoint exactly when a good thing starts. Did Micheal Jordan’s Chicago Bulls start with his debut in 1984 or the…
With crucial goals and a tendency to elevate Spain to new levels, David Villa’s zenith would come at the 2010 World Cup – and where better?
Confined to his hospital bed, all he could do was stare helplessly at the television. The faint sound of music was still audible, but the match encompassing his eyes had him transfixed.…
Jeremy Clarkson, the former presenter of Top Gear, was, in 2014, reportedly chased out of Argentina by an angry mob, having incited the local population with a number plate that read H982 FKL.…