Tag: italia 90

Totò Schillaci: the unlikely hero of Italia 90

With a modest record, Salvatore Schillaci headed to Italia 90 as the Azzurri’s final player. What followed was the most glorious but brief summer in the sun

Walter Zenga and heartbreak at Italia 90

It could have been so different. Walter Zenga, one of Italy’s best, cost the nation dearly at Italia 90. For one young boy, it taught a valuable life lesson

Diego Maradona at World Cup 1990: the weeping angel

This feature is part of Diego Maradona: the World Cup diaries BEFORE THIS NARRATIVE skips to the 1990 World Cup in Italy, there is a day that needs to be commented upon…

The Indomitable Lions and Africa’s false dawn

In 1977, Pelé predicted that an African team would win the World Cup before the year 2000, but this was widely met with scepticism by those who had seen the dismal efforts…

The last stand of Diego Maradona

THE STADIO DELLE ALPI was a cold, cavernous, characterless stadium. The architectural monstrosity was designed by Studio Hutter and built from scratch ahead of the 1990 World Cup. Tucked away on the…

Italia 90 was not as good as you think

As featured on Guardian Sport Over a quarter of a century has passed since Nessun Dorma was acquired by the great unwashed football fans of England, obtained in a generally well-spirited but occasionally…

UAE: a journey to the unknown at Italia 90

While the fallout and anger at Qatar being awarded the World Cup in 2022 continues unabated, this year marks the 27th anniversary of the altogether more romantic story of another Gulf Sheikdom’s epic…