Between his heroic tackles and hilarious crumpling to the ground, Iván Campo would become one of Bolton’s most unlikely but worthy legends of all

Between his heroic tackles and hilarious crumpling to the ground, Iván Campo would become one of Bolton’s most unlikely but worthy legends of all
His style has always been grounded in realism, but Allardyce’s spell at Bolton produced one of the most intriguing stories in Premier League history
Saša Ćurčić, a volatile personality and gifted footballer, remains one of the first true instances of the Premier League boom and bust future
Between the death of his parents and baby son, Stig Tøfting would find a release in football – even if took him over the boundaries at times
In the summer of 2002, Asian football was thrust into the global spotlight thanks to a highly successful World Cup in Japan and South Korea. The entire planet sat back and revelled in…
THANKS LARGELY TO THE EFFORTS of Cristiano Ronaldo and his pulsating pectorals, Real Madrid have now won the small matter of 12 European Cups. Squeezed in alongside those 24 bendy rabbit ears…
THERE HAVEN’T BEEN MANY FOOTBALLERS WHO’VE HAD THE CAREER of ex-Bolton, Burnley and Blackpool player Paul Fletcher. He went from dreaming of playing in big stadiums to overseeing the construction of them. “I…
It’s difficult to discuss Nat Lofthouse without resorting to clichés. His career and life, like so many of the players he shared the pitch with, seems so improbable when compared to modern…
Illustration by Akinyele Lexain Olalekan IT’S JANUARY 2004 and Bolton Wanderers are playing Aston Villa in the first leg of the Carling Cup semi-final. In the 80th minute, Bolton are awarded a free-kick…
There’s a point that all addicts reach known as the moment of realisation. The point when amidst the mental fog a sudden ray of sunshine breaks through to provide clarity. Mine came…