One of Italy’s biggest cities to have never been represented in Serie A, Erasmo Iacovone almost changed that before his tragic death aged 25

One of Italy’s biggest cities to have never been represented in Serie A, Erasmo Iacovone almost changed that before his tragic death aged 25
For over a decade, twins Antonio and Emanuele Filippini spent their weekends stifling the midfields of some of Serie A’s most creative forces
Hang Yuan FC are playing a prominent role in bringing football to the forefront of Taiwanese life – and the results are astonishing
“Andrà tutto bene, restate a casa.” It was more than just a flimsy phrase – everything in Francesco Caputo’s career is. And it inspired a nation
Boasting one of the most forward-thinking academies, closely aligned with the government, Daniele D’Eustacchio is shaping the future of Chinese football
There’s a song by Sud Sound System, a reggae group from the Italian region of Apulia, that begins like this: ‘If you never forget your roots, you’ll be able to respect those…
This feature is part of A Tale of One City The word Shanghai is written with two characters in Chinese: 上 (shang) and 海 (hai). The first one means “above”, while the…