With Solskjær at the helm, the future looks bright, and perhaps Scandinavian talent can once again lift Manchester United to the apex of European football

With Solskjær at the helm, the future looks bright, and perhaps Scandinavian talent can once again lift Manchester United to the apex of European football
Providing clarity could end the swings in perception of their managers and, if done well, even bring the years of turbulence at Old Trafford to a close
This feature is part of Virtuoso The instructions from coach Jim Ryan were simple: the game’s buried, take it easy, we don’t need any more goals. That was in the 72nd minute,…
Few strikers will ever match the records that Ole Gunnar Solskjaer broke at Manchester United, often coming off the bench to devastating effect
THERE IS AN old Norwegian proverb that goes something along the lines of ‘A friend is known in need, like gold is known in fire’, and it’s hard not to imagine that it…
As featured on Guardian Sport WHEN SOUTHAMPTON SIGNED MARIAN PAHARS from Skonto FC, Latvia, in March 1999, Saints fans would have been forgiven for asking “who?” The diminutive forward had not been unearthed…