Between Cubillas, Chumpitaz and Sotil, Peru in the 1970s boasted some of the world’s greatest players – but it was against a backdrop of national tragedy

Between Cubillas, Chumpitaz and Sotil, Peru in the 1970s boasted some of the world’s greatest players – but it was against a backdrop of national tragedy
Illustration by Federico Manasse Few footballers are remembered for one moment of genius quite like Teófilo Cubillas is for his impudent, outside-of-the-boot free-kick against Scotland at the 1978 World Cup. It is…
ON 3 JUNE 1978, Peruvian footballer Teófilo Cubillas broke the hearts of five million Scots with a set-piece of ineffable magic. Moments earlier, Cubillas stood 20-yards away from the Scottish goal, staring…